My Grandma Shumway passed away on the 25th. She was the same age as Brady's dad. She had been sick for a long time. I feel bad that I didn't see her much before she died. Amanda, Dave, Josh, Brady, & I all went up to Auburn, WY (Star Valley) for her funeral on Halloween. We were able to see dad and grandpa and our aunt and uncles. My dad looks better than he has in years, so that was good to see. He has gained weight, and with the exception of his hair being completely gray, he looks just like I remember him. I have missed out on getting to know some cousins and aunts and uncles on that side, so I am making an end-of-the-year resolution to make sure I spend more time with that side of my family.
Brady's dad has been home for a couple of weeks now and he is doing so well. He is stronger and can get around and eat almost as well as he used to. He is putting on a little weight and he sounds great. I have also seen a change in Brady as his dad improves. We know that he doesn't have a lot of time left, so we are glad that he can actually enjoy the time he has now.
We are very excited for the reunion. I always love the Radford reunion since we have so many comedians in the family and always have good entertainment!
I recently had a birthday and I am feeling like I am finally an adult instead of a young adult since I am almost 30! About time, I suppose, since I have a mortgage and two car payments, but the older I get, the younger 30 and 40 seem to me.