Friday, February 25, 2011

I have been overwhelmed lately by the goodness of the people that are around us.  My kids have been sick for weeks and I have been stressed and worried and worn out.  Not to mention that my poor babies are miserable.  One particular day in the middle of this mess, I had no less than 5 people call me and offer to help me with my kids, my errands, and various other things.  I have had people offer to watch my kids so I could nap or go get groceries.  I have had people offer to go get groceries for me and to take the child who was well so I could take the other one to the doctor.  I have had people offer to bring in meals and teach my Sunday School class for me.  I have flaked out on people because my kids were sick and the reaction was only kindness and love and concern.  I have had doctors in my neighborhood come to my house to check one of my kids because both of them were sick and I just couldn't face dragging them both out the door to the doctor...again.  At the end of all of this, I am left feeling only love and gratitude for the people around me, and I am humbled by the outpouring of compassion for us.  I only hope that I can do the same when someone needs me.


Brittany H said...

I'm so sorry your kiddos have been so sick for so long. I don't think there is anything so difficult for a mom then sick kids. I hope they get better soon and that you get the rest you need!

The Stones said...

Hey, I saw your blog on Beck's! I'm sorry your kids (and you) have had such a lousy winter. I hope everyone is feeling better.Isn't it the best to have great people around you?! Good luck the rest of the winter!