Thursday, January 21, 2010

Achilles Heel

"And then there was Achilles. Now there was a guy who had it all; the build, the foot-speed. He could jab! He could take a hit! He could keep on comin'! BUT THAT FORSLUGGINER HEEL OF HIS! He barely gets nicked there once and kaboom! He's history." Phil-Walt Disney's "Hercules"

On Thursday Jan 14th Brady got hurt playing basketball at the church with his friends. He thought someone had landed on his leg. He limped around until Saturday when we finally decided he had better go to the doctor. The doctor thought his Achilles was torn either partially or completely. We had an ultrasound on Mon and determined that it was torn. On Wed the 20th we saw the orthopedist who immediately opened him up and discovered that it was in fact completely severed. He was able to repair it well. He is in a lot of pain and is very nauseated, but we are glad it is fixed and he should make a full recovery. No basketball or snowmobiling for now, but he will be able to again. I was completely overwhelmed by the offers of help I received from our family and neighbors. I probably won't have to do anything but sit around. Seriously though, we really appreciate all the support and are glad he is okay. We are excited that he should be back on his feet (literally) by the time the baby comes.


Amy said...

Glad that the surgery went well. Hope that Brady gets feeling better and you guys can get some sleep soon. We are here to help in whatever way we can as well. Sending our love and well wishes.

Britnee said...

That's so weird! David broke his ankle last year, and I have a picture that looks just like that. The bruising is identical! I'm glad it went well. Ouch!!